Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I hate you and your ptosisface!

It's funny. A week, maybe two ago, there was an article about ptosis of the breasts in the oh-so-misogynistic "women's section" of one of the newspapers here (I can't remember whether it was El Nuevo Diario or La Prensa, so I'm having a hard time finding it, but if I do, it'll be posted, never fear).

It was kind of confusing. You see, I was under the impression that women's breasts sagged naturally with age, and that was, you know, natural. Apparently I've got it all wrong. It's a DISEASE, and we must take DRASTIC MEASURES to prevent its life-threatening consequences, such as, um...un-perky breasts, and...non-perky breasts.

Yeah, so, you should have invasive breast surgery before anything like THAT happens! I mean, "saggy" breasts are a health hazard, folks. Yep.

In the article, it mentioned the usual medieval delights, like breast lifts and breast reduction with implants, but recently, I became aware of another charming procedure to treat this "condition". It's literally, a bra inside your chest.

The mind boggles. Hoyden About Town does a better job of dissecting it than I do. But basically, FUUUUUUUUUCK!?!?@>@>!>$

Ok, breasts will sag. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, that is what they are supposed to do. Also, the immense majority of breasts are NOT, even when their owners are young; globular and gravity-defying, though I'm sure all the lad's mags and the plastic surgery industry would have us believe otherwise.

I am so, so sick of being told that my body is abnormal. You'd think my breasts had committed terrible crimes against mankind for the kind of comments I get about them; from the "WOW, are they real?!" to the snarky "oh, but it was a joke" to the ones that spend hours trying to tell me how much better I'd look after a reduction, to the ones that can't seem to let five minutes go by without commenting on their size.

Yeah, sorry, but no.

Fuck this shit. I don't need a reduction. I don't want a reduction. And I sure as hell ain't getting one to make everyone else more comfortable around me and my EVIL EVIL CHEST. Which by the way, I plan to keep intact even when it's struck down by the terrible affliction of ZOMG PTOSIS. Because as much as I can go on about mind over matter, my body has everything to do with myself, if one can say that without sounding lightly ridiculous. And this is how I look. And it's not a disease. It doesn't need surgery.

There is nothing wrong with my body.

I'm not changing it.

Deal with it.


lauredhel said...

Hi Composite Creature! Thanks for the link-love.

Every time my surprise and disgust at the aesthetic-industrial complex starts to fade, something new comes up and smacks me in the face.

Composite Creature said...

Most welcome, and thanks for reading my post. :)

I know what you mean. I thought after labiaplasty, they couldn't come up with anything worse. I was wrong.

Anonymous said...

well, when i suggested a breast reductio i did 'cause i know that big boobs are a big weight.
Luv ya my cupcake :)

Anonymous said...

Nawdlez. How have you been? Hope you are doing well. Come drop us a line when you get around to it. Miss you~


KwanYin said...

Cosa como estas... hacen que seamos la imagen de la perfenccion y a la vez el demonio encarnado... es que no hay tonos de grises para la imagen de la mujer ante la sociedad?

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

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Anonymous said...


Has anyone notice that it has been months since Composite Creature has posted or replied to her own blog page? Hope she is alright, alive and well!

The last post I see was Aug. 17, 2007 a few months will be a year!

Hello........... can anyone relate????

Post By: Just a guy

Anonymous said...


Has anyone notice that it has been months since Composite Creature has posted or replied to her own blog page? Hope she is alright, alive and well!

The last post I see was Aug. 17, 2007 a few months will be a year!

Hello........... can anyone relate????

Anonymous said...

Composite Creature

With great sadness I must inform the readers of this blog the following news!

From a reliable source that knew Composite Creature reports that she was killed in a car accident outside of a popular night club near her home. She was killed instantly along with a friend of hers. Thus the reason for no further activity by Composite Creature on her blog page.

R.I.P. Composite Creature - We will never forget you!

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